Anxiety Therapy

Do you experience thoughts of worry or stress that seem impossible to control? Do you have that feeling of nervousness, even when there is not a specific source of stress or reason “why”? Do you experience panic, jitters, increased heart rate, sweating, difficulty taking a deep breath, or stomach pain or distress? Have your anxiety symptoms left you feeling tired or even interfered with quality sleep? Maybe your anxiety symptoms have caused you to avoid some of the things in your life that you once enjoyed, like visiting family or friends, going out to eat, attending social gatherings, traveling, pursuing new hobbies, starting new relationships, or working towards professional goals. 

First and foremost, if anxiety is something that you or someone you love have experienced or are currently struggling with, you are not alone. The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that 19.1% of Americans meet the criteria for an anxiety disorder in the last year and over 30 % of Americans will experience anxiety at a clinically significant level throughout their lifetime. (1)

At our Arlington, TX-based counseling practice, we understand the challenge that all forms of anxiety can present. It can be so frustrating and defeating to feel as thought anxious thoughts and feelings are creating a barrier between you and the life you want to live and goals you want to achieve.

Our team of trained therapist are ready to assist you and support you in your anxiety treatment journey as you work towards living the life that you desire.

We understand that starting therapy of any kind can be anxiety producing and we are here to support clients in overcoming the challenges that stand between them and the help and results they are looking for. Here are a few of our most frequently asked questions:

+ Are there different types of anxiety?

  • Yes, anxiety comes in all shapes and sizes and can take on many different forms. Some of the most common types of anxiety include:

+ Anxiety is a new thing for me, can anxiety therapy really help me?

  • Yes! Anxiety can occur at any point in life and maybe induced by all sorts of biological and situational factors. For some people, anxiety is isolated to a fairly short time frame of a few weeks to months and for others, anxiety may be a more chronic or consistent struggle. Regardless of when your anxiety symptoms started anxiety therapy is an effective choice to decrease your anxiety symptoms and increase your quality of life.

+ Anxiety has been a lifelong struggle for me, can anxiety therapy really help me?

  • Chronic or long-term anxiety symptoms are common and also treatable. Even if anxiety is something that you have struggled with throughout your life time there are effective anxiety therapy treatments that can help you reach your goals and enjoy the life that you desire.

+ What forms of therapy do you use for anxiety treatment?

+ My anxiety makes it hard for me to leave the house some days. How can participate in anxiety therapy?

  • Yet again, you are not alone. It is a very common occurrence that in the beginning stages of anxiety therapy and anxiety treatment that the anxiety symptoms may feel like a barrier to even getting out of the house to seek treatment. Particularly for those who struggle with social anxiety, or anxiety related to travel or public spaces, this can feel like an impossible feat. Our team or therapist is trained to meet you in these uncomfortable spaces. We are able to offer online counseling services so that you can seek treatment from the comfort of your own home. We are also able to discuss concerns prior to the session to address any specific needs or concerns and modify office spaces accordingly. If you have a specific concern that may be a barrier to your participation in anxiety therapy, let us know your concerns and we will work to address them together.

If you are interested in learning more about anxiety therapy and how you may be able to gain better control over your anxiety symptoms, contact us! A member of our team would be happy to discuss treatment options with you.