Can a Pet Help my Improve Anxiety?

For many people, the management of anxiety symptoms includes long-term changes and behavioral patterns to reduce and improve anxiety symptoms.

Pet ownership is one lifestyle change that many people are considering when thinking about constructing a life that optimizes fulfillment and reduces anxiety in the long term. But could a pet really help your anxiety symptoms for the long-haul? That’s what we will explore today.

The research does actually indicate that dog ownership or pet ownership may have a beneficial aspect connected to our mental health and well-being. Dog ownership has been recorded to improve the overall well-being fro dog goers when compared to non-dog owners (1).

Studies show that animal interactions may help to engage the oxytocin producers in the brain, which is associated with decreased cortisol, lower heart rates, and decrease  blood pressure. (2

So how might a pet improve your anxiety symptoms?

cat hug for anxiety care

Increasing companionship can reduce anxiety symptoms.

Researchers in the United Kingdom have reported that anxiety may be reduced by the companionship and connection associated with pet ownership (3),

Reducing cortisol responses can improve your brain chemistry to manage anxiety responses. 

Remember that study mentioned above, where pet owners are associated with lower cortisol levels? Well, cortisol happens to be a key factor in anxiety responses. Cortisol is a stress hormone of the human body, so reducing stress, which is associated with anxiety responses, can reduce anxiety symptoms on a Neurochemical level.

Anxiety treatment and dog cuddles.

The unconditional acceptance and constant companionship of a pet may serve as a starting point for addressing internal fears.

One of the best parts of pet ownership is the fact that pets are quick to forgive, and want to connect with you even on your worst days. For many who struggle with anxiety, their anxiety symptoms may be associated with negative thought rumination, fears of rejection, and other aspects of negative self-perception. The unconditional acceptance given by animals, conserve as a great starting point for building a healthy view of self. and let’s face it, everyone feels better when someone is excited when they walk in the door. That tail-wagging dance when you walk in from a long day of work is a powerful force.

And one final thought. 

As a mental health therapist, I know the power of human-animal connections both personally and professionally. But as an animal owner myself, I am passionate about ethical animal adoption and ownership. Bringing an animal into your home is a long term commitment. And if that is not something that you can commit to now that is OK! Here are some options to consider for pet connection if you are not in a space to be able to make the commitment of personal animal ownership. 

  • Consider fostering a pet with a local animal rescue or your local Humane Society. Many animal rescues need short-term placements for animals that are waiting for forever homes. Being a foster placement is a great opportunity to try out the potential benefits of animal ownership, without the full long-term commitment involved in animal adoption. 

  • Consider volunteering at a local Humane Society. There is a lot of love for those animals to give, and that oxytocin increase from animal connections can come even from a quick play session. 

  • Offer to pet sit for a friend or family member the next time they leave town. 

If you have considered therapy as a part of your anxiety treatment or wellness journey, our team is available to help. We offer in person services at our Arlington, Texas-based therapy group, and online therapy for any Texas residents.


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Can a Pet Help Improve Depression?