Learn more about topics that we discuss in the therapy setting. These resources are available to help anyone looking for support, education, encouragement to to explore next steps in their therapy or mental health journey.
The Unexpected Impact of becoming an EMDR Consultant
After consulting in EMDR therapy for several years, today I wanted to take the time to share three unexpected things that occurred after becoming an EMDR consultant.
EMDR Therapy: Treatment planning on a time crunch
What do you do when time constraints keep you from completing the EMDR therapy treatment plans you desire or know are ideal for a client? Here we will address 5 possible approaches to assist clients when time is limited.
What Now? Treatment planning.
Beyond the basics of EMDR therapy target processing. How do we optimize the impact of EMDR therapy with your EMDR therapy clients?
5 Things to Consider: selecting an EMDR therapy consultant.
Here are five things to consider when selecting your EMDR therapy consultant as you pursue further understanding of EMDR therapy or take steps towards your goals to become a certified EMDR therapist.
EMDR Therapy Certification: Does it matter?
Take a few moments to explore some of the benefits of pursuing EMDR therapy certification and why it matters.